Module mysql.impl.result

Implementation - Structures for data received: rows and result sets (ie, a range of rows).


This module is used to consolidate the common implementation of the safe and unafe API. DO NOT directly import this module, please import one of mysql.result,, or mysql.unsafe.result. This module will be removed in a future version without deprecation.

See the Safe Migration document for more details.


safe(r) An UnsafeRow is almost identical to a SafeRow, except that it provides access to its values via Variant instead of MySQLVal. This makes the access unsafe. Only value access is unsafe, every other operation is forwarded to the internal SafeRow.
unsafe(r) An UnsafeRow is almost identical to a SafeRow, except that it provides access to its values via Variant instead of MySQLVal. This makes the access unsafe. Only value access is unsafe, every other operation is forwarded to the internal SafeRow.
unsafe(r) Wrap a SafeResultRange as an UnsafeResultRange.


SafeResultRange An input range of SafeRow.
SafeRow A struct to represent a single row of a result set.
UnsafeResultRange A wrapper of a SafeResultRange which converts each row into an UnsafeRow.
UnsafeRow An UnsafeRow is almost identical to a SafeRow, except that it provides access to its values via Variant instead of MySQLVal. This makes the access unsafe. Only value access is unsafe, every other operation is forwarded to the internal SafeRow.