Struct ColumnInfo

A struct to hold column metadata

struct ColumnInfo ;


charSet stringCharacter set, "" if not applicable.
charsMax longCapacity in characters, -1L if not applicable
collation stringCollation, "" if not applicable.
colType stringMore detail about the column type, e.g. "int(10) unsigned".
comment stringAny comment that was set at table definition time.
defaultNull boolIs the COLUMN_DEFAULT column (in the information schema's COLUMNS table) NULL?
defaultValue stringThe default value as a string if not NULL.
extra stringExtra information.
index ulongZero based index of the column within a table row.
key stringInformation about the column's key status, blank if none.
name stringThe name of the column.
nullable boolCan the column value be set to NULL
numericPrecision shortPresentation information for numerics, -1L if not applicable.
numericScale shortScale information for numerics or NULL, -1L if not applicable.
octetsMax longCapacity in bytes - same as chars if not a unicode table definition, -1L if not applicable.
privileges stringPrivileges for logged in user.
schema stringThe database that the table having this column belongs to.
table stringThe table that this column belongs to.
type stringWhat type is the column - tinyint, char, varchar, blob, date etc