Struct SafePrepared

Encapsulation of a prepared statement.

struct SafePrepared ;

Create this via the function prepare. Set your arguments (if any) via the functions provided, and then run the statement by passing it to exec/query/etc in place of the sql string parameter.

Commands that are expected to return a result set - queries - have distinctive methods that are enforced. That is it will be an error to call such a method with an SQL command that does not produce a result set. So for commands like SELECT, use the query functions. For other commands, like INSERT/UPDATE/CREATE/etc, use exec.


this (sql, headers, numParams) Constructor. You probably want prepare instead of this.


columnSpecials[get, set] ColumnSpecialization[]Get/set the column specializations.
lastInsertID[get] ulongAfter a command that inserted a row into a table with an auto-increment ID column, this method allows you to retrieve the last insert ID generated from this prepared statement.
numArgs[get] ushortGets the number of arguments this prepared statement expects to be passed in.
preparedFieldDescriptions[get] FieldDescription[]Gets the prepared header's field descriptions.
preparedParamDescriptions[get] ParamDescription[]Gets the prepared header's param descriptions.


getArg (index) Prepared statement parameter getter.
setArg (index, val, psn) Prepared statement parameter setter.
setArgs (args) Bind a tuple of D variables to the parameters of a prepared statement.
setArgs (args, psnList) Bind a MySQLVal[] as the parameters of a prepared statement.
setNullArg (index) Sets a prepared statement parameter to NULL.
sql () Gets the SQL command for this prepared statement.